What Makes You Feel Like a Superhero?
"Some of my most cherished friends through childhood were superheroes. I would spend hours and hours amid their fantasy worlds, dedicated to their quests to persevere against chaos, working towards creating a world of harmony between all creatures. I was enamored with the unrelenting confidence in every superhero’s ability to show up for what they believed fair and true, even if what or who they were showing up for did not truly believe in them. This understanding was such a mirror to growing up queer in central Pennsylvania, as I realized that I would have to continue to show up as boldly and bravely and as ME as I could, even against the adversity of a world that didn’t want me to exist. AND, let’s talk about those outfits! And THOSE MUSCLES. Yes, yes, yes, the themes of super-heroism are life giving and something to learn from, but it’s the aesthetics that keep us wanting more (amiright!?). I loved the ample amount of design and the complete fantasy explored and brought to life with each iteration of a character. Every color and cut to their super outfits, from the capes to the high collars, to the face masks and billowing hair, to the gauntlets and thigh-high boots: I would spend hours searching through the archives of characters I loved to see all their iterations, to better understand who they were, and gather inspiration for my own aesthetics. Those aesthetics are not so easily accomplished as a scrawny white boy from central Pennsylvania. While I can attribute a lot of inspiration to superheroes, I also can attribute a lot of body dysmorphia. Because…really…who the hell could ever actually look like that!? Initially, my personal fitness journey was very much wrapped up in accomplishing a superhero aesthetic. I just so desperately wanted to one day look like the cover of an X-Men comic! This desire, though a starting point, failed to acknowledge the essential quest of the superhero. And that’s where Heather Campbell comes in. The Professor Xavier to my Rouge, she’s been able to both acknowledge where I’m beginning, and provide a pathway to something even greater. By working with Heather, I’ve been able to reacquaint myself with the quest of creating a world of harmony between all creatures, most importantly, dedicating to establishing harmony within myself. Through Heather’s strength coaching I have been excepted for every beast mode exertion AND taught how to slow down and fine tune the self-care necessities that are vital to continued growth. Most helpful is Heather’s ability to draw in community (cause what great superhero exists without a team!?). Being able to train alongside other supers is a consistent reminder that nothing we do is alone. In togetherness we find strength. While it gets to be personal in the moment, inevitably we serve the public, because we quest to create the harmony in ourselves that we wish to share with all creatures. "
— Carina
“My goal when I started training with Heather was to feel stronger. I’m over 50 years old, so what was I waiting for? I joined with my girlfriend as something to do, a fun way to get fit and learn more about how to better take care of myself. I’ve been working out for almost 8 months, and I feel so grateful for all that I’ve learned about myself and my body through Heather’s workout plan. My superhero is Garden Girl – inspired by my love of gardening and what plants and flowers represent – Growth! Boy, have I learned to grow not only my muscles but gain more knowledge on how to be stronger and feel better. The first time I used a leg press machine I was freaked out by trying to push 20 lbs. It might as well have been a 1-ton boulder. But slowly, through weeks of training I’m now pushing 160 lbs! It still hurts, I still hate it, but I know that I can do something I otherwise never imagined was possible. I’ve had chronic lower back issues having had a desk-oriented career my entire adult life. Since strength training, I have noticed how my back issues have become less over time. Still there but not as frequent. It’s all the small ways in which my everyday life has improved through exercise and strength training. Like any well-loved garden, your health needs to be nurtured with the same attention."
— Emily
“I encourage anyone who is considering training with Heather to do it! It’s such a worthwhile investment in your health and well-being, and you couldn’t be in better hands! After a few years of inactivity and acquiring “covid fluff” during our isolation I decided to make a serious commitment to reversing this trajectory and becoming my best self. I feel I was very fortunate to discover Heather Campbell and her company, Made4MoreFitness. Heather readily made me comfortable in her professional approach to assisting me in building strength and endurance while at the same time providing excellent counsel about nutrition. I sensed immediately that her guidance was based on experience, research, and knowledge. Since enrolling in a strength training program with Heather, I have experienced increased strength, better balance and more confidence. She asked me to consider an inner “superhero.” At this stage in life, my biggest challenge is aging gracefully. I could think of no one better to emulate than Ruth Bader Ginsberg. With Heather’s help, and this model in mind, I’ve been able to focus to build a foundation for the future, accepting age without capitulating to the myths about it, remaining relevant, maintaining stamina, getting stronger. Thank you Heather and Made4MoreFitness for assisting and encouraging me in that quest."
— Joanne
"I’ve been working with Heather since November 2020. At the start I weighed 183lbs, had lost most of my muscle, and wasn’t eating great. I needed a fresh start and a person to point me in the right direction. Fast forward 8 months and I’m truly a different person. I’m down 20lbs, have completely changed my eating habits and can fit into pants that I’ve held on for years in the hope I’d fit into them again!! And my journey is not over. With Heather’s guidance, I have learned that fitness/wellness/nutrition and general well-being has a fluidness to it. Some days I’m 100% with nutrition/fitness, and some days I’m 80%, and that’s ok. Maintaining a well balanced life, where fitness/nutrition and indulgences can co-exist. Strength training and a new look at nutrition have really changed my life. I’m stronger, have better cardio, and I make way healthier choices now when I go out to eat. I’ve had to take a good look at my relationship with alcohol and realize that it’s an obstacle to health & fitness, but harder to quit than French fries 🙁 Thank you Heather for believing in me and pushing me to be my very best. I’m loving the new me and want to continue this journey of unlocking ALL of my superpowers!"
— Rita
"I first met Heather in Iceland during the spring of 2016. I was living the work exchange life at a cozy hostel and Heather graciously gave me a lift to the glacier lagoon. The world is filled with wonderful people, and I feel so lucky to have reconnected with Heather again through this self-care journey five years later. I started her program during a time in my life where I was balancing full time teaching responsibilities and caretaking for a dear loved one. I was feeling very discouraged and burned out. At first, I was nervous to add something more to my plate, but I began to have the wonderful realization that these workouts were time just for me, to love myself and spend time pouring into my own becoming. I began to learn that the smallest choices every day could show the greatest amount of care for my own well-being in the long run. Anytime I struggled or became overwhelmed, Heather was there to empower me to keep going and to appreciate all the changes that were taking place in my body and in my spirit. I am so happy that I met Heather five years ago on an island in the arctic circle and that the world brought us together again during this very challenging year. Made4More Fitness has been a rite of passage for me, and I am excited to continue this adventure of building my strength and showing up for myself."
— Sophie
"I’ve been wanting to get back to strength training for some time and wasn’t sure how to get started again or what specifically to do. My time is limited and training for hiking and climbing is a priority. Given some personal challenges it has also been difficult for me to find the motivation and discipline to get to the gym. Heather listened and heard me. She designed a program that worked with my schedule and has allowed me to fit in both strength and endurance training. She has been patient and encouraging but has also held me accountable. With her coaching, I keep making it back to the gym and look forward to continue getting stronger physically and mentally."
— Karen